The future of aquaculture according to UK Agri-Tech Centre - Against the backdrop of growing global demand for food and the need to reduce environmental impact, aquaculture and livestock farming...
Read moreThe future of aquaculture according to UK Agri-Tech Centre - Against the backdrop of growing global demand for food and the need to reduce environmental impact, aquaculture and livestock farming...
Read moreSustainable shrimp, seaweed and oyster farming - A recent study conducted by the University of New Hampshire revealed that integrating farmed shrimp with oysters and seaweed in integrated multitrophic aquaculture...
Read moreFibreglass from Abandoned Boats Contaminates UK Coastal Waters and Enters Food Chain - UK scientists warn that fibreglass from end-of-life vessels is contaminating the food chain. A joint study by...
Read moreAZTI develops a genetic method to facilitate an ecosystem approach to fisheries management - European directives such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive or the EU's Common Fisheries Policy require...
Read moreRevolutionizing Boating: The Freepower Electric Boat - Imagine a boat that never needs to refuel, powered entirely by the sun. Introducing the Freepower electric boat, a groundbreaking innovation in sustainable marine...
Read moreThe Crucial Role of Insurance in Aquaculture and an example from Algeria - Insurance is becoming more important for larger farmers, not only for risk mitigation but also for expediting...
Read moreAdvanced Sensing and Data-Driven Analysis of Offshore Aquaculture Infrastructures - The increasing frequency of fish escapes from offshore aquaculture facilities, driven by severe weather conditions and climate change, highlights the...
Read moreSeafood. Improving communication to cope with falling consumption - All the world's a country’ and, everywhere, there is a need to communicate better and more about all the positive aspects...
Read moreFaith Mwende harnesses the power of fish waste in recycling and creates sustainable entrepreneurial solutions in the blue economy - In today’s world, where sustainability and resource optimization are crucial,...
Read moreSea lettuce opens a new frontier of sustainable food production - Seaweed, often undervalued, is emerging as a crucial resource to address global food sustainability challenges. Among them, Ulva, commonly...
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© 2023 INRETE S.R.L. P.Iva: 02557660814 -Blue Economy & Transformation news by In Rete.