Africa-Europe cooperation in ocean governance strengthened - In a world increasingly characterised by environmental challenges, the oceans are of immense importance, especially for Africa and Europe. The recent report of...
Read moreAfrica-Europe cooperation in ocean governance strengthened - In a world increasingly characterised by environmental challenges, the oceans are of immense importance, especially for Africa and Europe. The recent report of...
Read moreArtificial barriers in offshore wind energy: a promising habitat for marine species - The growing debate on offshore wind energy, between uncertainties and certainties, increasingly involves stakeholders. A recent study...
Read moreArtisanal fishing at the centre of global sustainability efforts - Artisanal fishing plays a crucial role in sustaining coastal communities around the world. From 9 to 11 October, Conil de...
Read moreTraining on HACCP Implementation for Fisheries and Aquaculture - The Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, in collaboration with the Food Systems and Food Safety Divisions of the Food and Agriculture Organization...
Read moreG7 Pesca: innovazione e sostenibilità per il rilancio del settore - Sebbene i settori della pesca e dell'acquacoltura siano pilastri dell'economia italiana e mondiale, devono affrontare sfide sempre più complesse...
Read moreThe role of aquaculture and fisheries in global food security - Aquaculture and fisheries are playing an increasingly central role in the fight to ensure global food security. The recent...
Read moreFisheries. Opportunities for cooperation between Italy and Libya - In the international fishing scene, cooperation between Italy and Libya looks set to be a significant opportunity for economic development and...
Read moreAdapting the seafood industry to climate change - The global seafood industry is at a crucial turning point in the face of rapid climate change. A recent report published by...
Read moreMoving ever faster towards global traceability - In the context of the global seafood sector, product traceability has become a crucial element not only to ensure food safety, but also...
Read morePlanet Tracker report on China's deep-sea fishing fleet - China is the uncontested world fishing power, with a global share that has quadrupled since 1950, reaching 14.3 percent in 2022....
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© 2023 INRETE S.R.L. P.Iva: 02557660814 -Blue Economy & Transformation news by In Rete.