Seaweed at the heart of a sustainable future – In a world constantly searching for sustainable solutions, seaweed is emerging as a true green heroine of the ocean economy. A recent study by UNCTAD, the intergovernmental body on trade and development created by the United Nations General Assembly, has shed light on the incredible potential of this sector, which is still too often underestimated. Entitled An ocean of opportunity: the potential of seaweed to promote the food, environmental and gender dimensions of the SDGs, the study reveals how seaweed cultivation, harvesting, processing and trade can be the key to sustainable growth by 2030.
Using a multi-disciplinary approach, UNCTAD explored the many faces of the algae sector, highlighting not only its contribution to food and nutrition security, but also the key role it can play in women’s empowerment and environmental protection. Through a detailed analysis, supported by international experts and organisations such as the FAO and the Global Seaweed Coalition, the study highlights how developing countries are at the centre of this green revolution, with an emphasis on the vital contribution of women at every stage of the seaweed value chain.
The study focuses on practical cases from the United Republic of Tanzania, Kenya and Portugal, demonstrating how women’s inclusion in the sector not only promotes women’s economic empowerment, but also encourages sustainable practices that can transform the entire sector. It also identifies challenges and opportunities for a sustainable and gender-inclusive future of the algae sector, highlighting current research gaps that need further investigation.
With its detailed analysis, complete with data on trade flows and women’s participation, in both developing and developed countries, the UNCTAD study provides a comprehensive view of the current state of the algae industry, underlining the urgency and importance of fully exploiting this sector for the good of our planet and its communities.
This study is not only a must-read for those involved in aquaculture and sustainable development, but also a wake-up call for the world at large. Seaweed, with its immense potential to promote environmental sustainability, food security and gender equity, is an invaluable resource in the fight against climate change and in the quest for a greener and fairer future for all.
Seaweed at the heart of a sustainable future