Call for papers on fish safety, technology and marketing in Africa – ANFTS aims to provide up-to-date information, promote research and technical collaboration, and enhance national research capacity facilitate the exchange and transfer of technology as well as information geared to support the sustainable development of post-harvest activities in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture value chains. This call for papers is a request to experts and professionals to share their recent knowledge and advances in line with ANFTS objectives. The selected papers will be presented at the physical meeting scheduled for 2024. The meeting offers a forum for sharing and discussing new technologies and innovations in fish technology, fish safety, trade, socioeconomics, as well as food and nutrition security.
Meeting Objectives
The meeting will provide a forum for stakeholders in the post-harvest fisheries sector to:
a) Share research findings, technological innovations, and valuable insights.
b) Address current constraints hindering effective contribution of post-harvest fisheries research to sustainable development.
c) Develop successful synergies among actors within the post-harvest fisheries sector for fisheries development.
Subjects and deadlines
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations invites all stakeholders, including government departments, non-governmental organizations, academia, research institutions representatives of small-scale fishers/farmers, civil society, the private sector and professionals within the fisheries and aquaculture sector, to submit abstracts for this meeting. Abstracts should summarize achievements, best practices and challenges related to the following development and research themes:
1. Reducing and preventing aquatic food losses by implementing multidimensional solutions including better utilization of low value fish, bycatch, and discards and valorisation of by-products. [Food loss and waste reduction]
2. Enhancing aquatic food product safety and promoting the sustainable consumption of healthy and high-quality aquatic food. [Food safety and nutrition]
3. Strengthening national, sub-regional marketing channels and international trade of aquatic food products. [Economic sustainability]
4. Addressing social and gender issues for inclusive aquatic food value chains. [Social sustainability]
5. Understanding and reacting to climate change and environmental impacts affecting the post-harvest fisheries sector. [Environmental sustainability]
Kindly submit abstracts to the FAO Regional Office for Africa, attention; not later than 30 January 2024. Abstracts must be written in English or French in Microsoft Word and no longer than 300 words, with a maximum of 4 to 6 keywords.
Following a screening process coordinated by FAO, 30 abstracts will be selected for development into full papers. Guidelines for the development of full papers are as follows:
The full paper must be short and succinct and not exceed 5000 words with double-spacing (including reference and appendices), Times New Roman font size 12 and 1-inch margin.
Title, authors and affiliation should be clearly written, each contribution must be submitted with the following information in electronic format:
• NAMES first author/co-author/Other co-authors;
• Title, Institution/affiliation, City, Country;
• Full contact for each author;
• Abstract;
• Body text;
The paper shall contain abstract, introduction, materials and methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgement, and references.
For more Information, contact the meeting secretariat through
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
Regional Office for Africa (RAF),
P. O. Box GP 1628, Accra, Ghana.
+233 (0) 302 610930 Ext. 41643
Call for papers on fish safety, technology and marketing in Africa