Malaga to host GFCM’s 48th annual session – One of the key dates for the future of fishing and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea is just months away. Spain is preparing to host, in the beautiful setting of Malaga, the 48th annual session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), an event that promises to give a decisive boost to the sustainable transformation of the entire sector. This is not just a conference, but a strategic moment in which the decisions taken will condition the opportunities for the development and management of marine resources for the next decade.
The investiture of Spain as host country is no coincidence. With a declared commitment to the preservation of marine ecosystems and innovation in fishing and farming practices, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food sees this session as an opportunity to strengthen the country’s leading role in international fisheries governance. A tangible commitment, confirmed by the contribution of over 200,000 euros that Madrid has allocated over the last two years in support of the GFCM 2030 Strategy.
This strategy, adopted in 2021, represents the road map for the revitalisation of a fishing sector increasingly threatened by environmental and social challenges. Indeed, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea share a complex scenario, where human pressure, climate change and illegal fishing threaten the survival of fish stocks and the quality of life of coastal communities. It is from these criticisms that the GFCM has drawn the impetus to outline a new development paradigm that combines economic sustainability, environmental protection and social inclusion.
At the heart of this strategy is the enhancement of aquaculture as a pillar to ensure food security and economic growth in coastal territories. Enhancing production capacity, coupled with stricter control systems to eradicate illegal fishing, are just some of the measures envisaged. The vision is clear: to transform fish stocks and aquaculture into engines of a resilient food system, capable of guaranteeing a stable source of income and decent employment for fishermen, with particular attention to young people and women.
It is no coincidence that the GFCM’s headquarters are in Rome, under the auspices of the FAO. Multilateral governance and dialogue between the 22 member countries – plus the European Union – are considered crucial factors for the success of the 10-year plan. An alliance of intentions that in Malaga will be put to the test by strategic choices that will require courage and responsibility, but also a common and ambitious vision to face the new global challenges.
The Executive Secretary of the GFCM, Miguel Bernal from Spain, has the task of coordinating an unprecedented effort, combining technical cooperation, targeted funding and effective partnerships. Indeed, the 2030 Strategy is based on five complementary directions: from the preservation of marine ecosystems to combating IUU fishing, from the promotion of responsible aquaculture to the creation of decent jobs, and the strengthening of regional competences through capacity building programmes.
Malaga 2025 could be remembered as the turning point that the Mediterranean and the Black Sea need. An opportunity not to be missed, to revitalise the fishing and aquaculture sector and finally build a future in which fishing is synonymous with sustainability, innovation and shared prosperity.
Malaga will host the 48th annual session of the GFCM