Mediterranean fishing boats towards decarbonisation – The EU fishing sector is still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, it is essential to find solutions that reduce this dependence, favouring the adoption of renewable and low-carbon energy sources. The DecarbonyT project, which started in December 2023 and is funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, is assessing the extent to which the use of optimised trawl gear in the Mediterranean and Black Sea can lead to a decrease in fuel consumption.
Initial results are promising: initial analyses have shown fuel savings of up to 20%. Pilot studies in selected regions have tested innovative fishing technologies, focusing on reducing energy consumption. These innovations include:
- Advanced net design with high strength and low hydrodynamic resistance materials.
- Use of more hydrodynamically efficient hatches;
- Real-time monitoring tools for fuel consumption and gear performance;
- An experimental blockchain-based system to track and validate carbon footprint reductions, using digital assets such as non-fungible tokens.
The adoption of lightweight hatches, innovative gear materials and changes in fishing behaviour, such as reduced boat speed, represent changes that are easily implemented and suitable for different types of vessels. These changes can significantly contribute to the decarbonisation of the fishing sector and are attracting the interest of fishing operators, as also recognised by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
However, significant challenges remain in achieving a substantial reduction in fuel intensity and overall carbon footprint. The experimental fishing gears tested in the project demonstrated lower catch efficiency than conventional gears, highlighting the complexity in achieving comparable levels of performance. This requires a longer adaptation period, underlining the importance of continuous research and gradual implementation.
Looking ahead, the DecarbonyT project is actively working on developing pathways to extend its solutions, ensuring their adaptability and applicability in different fisheries and geographical regions. The European Commission is committed to further testing and demonstrating innovations on fishing vessels, as outlined in the Communication on the Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector of February 2023.
Adopting sustainable practices not only contributes to the preservation of the marine environment, but also provides economic opportunities for fishermen by reducing operating costs and improving the efficiency of fishing operations. Investing in green technologies is a winning strategy to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for the Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing sector.
Mediterranean vessels towards decarbonisation