Floating wind and marine energy. US invests in research – The US is about to open the door to an exceptional funding opportunity, worth $14.5 million, dedicated to research in floating wind and marine energy. The Water Technologies Office (WTPO), which is part of the US Department of Energy (DOE), has announced the launch of the initiative this autumn.
According to the Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO), research is critical and plays a crucial role in promoting innovative technologies such as marine energy and offshore floating wind power. In particular, marine energy is still a novelty in many places in the US, while offshore floating wind power could potentially generate up to 2.8 terawatts of energy, more than doubling the country’s current electricity consumption.
The objective of this funding initiative is directed at four fundamental research directions. Firstly, there is the aim to generate publicly accessible data and information, through an open source approach, concerning cost reduction and performance improvement of marine energy devices, making them usable by both industry and other stakeholders. Second, there is the intention to explore possible synergies between floating offshore wind energy, marine energy and aquaculture development, looking for promising ways to maximise the benefits of these interactions. Thirdly, the funding aims to support high-quality research projects and university initiatives in the field of marine energy. Finally, there is an open area where proposers can submit proposals for activities that address the needs of the marine energy sector, bridging areas not yet addressed by other thematic areas. This commitment reflects a bold step towards greater innovation and sustainability in marine energy in the United States.
Floating wind and marine energy. US invests in research